Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon
Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon
© 2009 50 EGGS FILMS. Photo by Richard Schultz. All Rights Reserved.

Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon (2009)

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Bildergalerie zum Film "Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon"

Ten9Eight: Shoot for the MoonAlexander Niles - 'Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon'Amanda Loyola - 'Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon'Amanda Loyola - 'Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon'Anné Montague - 'Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon'Home Depot founder Arthur Blank - 'Ten9Eight: Shoot...Moon'

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Besetzung & Crew von "Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon"

Land: USA
Jahr: 2009
Genre: Dokumentation
Kinostart: Unbekannt
Regie: Mary Mazzio
Darsteller: Jessica Cervantes, Amanda Loyola, Gabriel Echoles, Ja'Mal Willis, Shan Shan Huang
Kamera: Richard Klug

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